
Can Homeschool Moms Get Teacher Discounts?

homeschool teacher searching discounts
Searching for homeschool discounts?

We know that homeschool teachers educate children, but are they considered teachers for discounts? As a homeschool mom, I’ve done extensive research into teacher discounts and this is what I have found.

Can homeschool moms get teacher discounts? Yes, teacher discounts are extended to homeschool parents for many companies. Most companies that extend their discounts to homeschoolers will state in their descriptions that it includes homeschooling parents. If it does not specify, the purchaser will need to verify a homeschool teacher’s eligibility.

In order to take part in most teacher discounts, homeschool parents will need to generate a teacher’s badge. There are several places you can download or purchase one from. You could also make one yourself. I have included a list of businesses that currently offer homeschool discounts and their requirements. Also, in this article are ways to save money while homeschooling.

Homeschool Teacher ID Badge

If you are wondering how to get a teacher ID badge, here are two ways to get one. You can buy them. You can google: homeschool teacher ID and search options will appear. Several will state they are free; however, know that simply means they are free to design or print yourself. If you want your ID printed and mailed to you, that will generally cost around $8. Which is a pretty good deal.

If you want to make your own teacher ID badge, it’s simple to do. You can create them on your computer for free and then print it out and laminate it.

Here is what you want to include in your ID badge:

  • the heading: TEACHER over or under your picture
  • a headshot picture
  • if your homeschool has a name you can put the name and logo if you have it
  • if you don’t have a name (which it is recommended not to have a name that appears to be a formal school) you can put your LAST NAME, HOMESCHOOL. An example of this would be Douglas Homeschool.
  • City and State
  • School year
  • Teacher ID number

Homeschool Teacher Discounts


Barnes and Noble – Savings is 20% off for classroom items. In addition to this, they have Educator Appreciation Days that offer 25% teacher discounts. You can not use the teacher’s discount with other coupons unless otherwise stated. The sign-up is free. Homeschool parents will need to include a photo ID along with a letter with their family name, address, teaching parent(s), and kid’s grade level.

Half Priced Books – Savings is 10% off all merchandise. There are special appreciation days where teachers are given small tokens of appreciation. The sign up is free. Homeschool teachers will need to provide a teacher ID or photo ID. Homeschoolers are asked to provide proof of homeschooling from their STATE if possible. My state doesn’t give verification so I was able to provide ID and letter of intent. A teacher’s ID is ideal.

Scholastic – The Teacher Store area of Scholastics has deep discounts. In order to checkout, you will need to be signed into an educator’s account. It is free to register. No special information is needed. Make sure you choose homeschool when selecting the type of school.

ThriftBooks – The Reading Rewards program is worth mentioning. It gives a free book after earning 500 points. There is a tier reward system so the more you purchase the more points you earn. Points are earned when purchasing already deeply discounted resale books. They also sell new books. The free book can be up to $5. I have used ThriftBooks more than any other book company.

Books A Million– The educator discount is for teachers including homeschoolers and librarians and is for 20% off. You will need an educator’s ID. Books A Million also have a discounted bulk quote for homeschoolers with business to business accounts. This is perfect for study guides, teacher aides, test prep, summer reading, educational toys/games, and reference guides.

Craft Stores

Michaels – offers 15% discounts to homeschool teachers in-store and online. The discount includes sale items. Clearance and doorbuster items are excluded. You will need a valid (current) teacher’s ID to qualify. You may be asked for your homeschool verification depending on your state this may be your homeschool registration ID or letter of intent.

Joann – The teacher rewards program gives a 15% off discount. Their requirements for homeschoolers are that you are an authorized homeschool with current documentation (registration or letter of intent). They will also accept current documentation of any homeschool membership or organization you are apart of to verify your status.

Office/Supply Stores

Office Depot – The rewards program gives teachers 20% back on purchases. Teachers should present their Office Max rewards number and teacher ID.


Apple – The Apple education store has special pricing for Macs and iPads. The savings range from $20 – $300.

Other Homeschool Teacher Discounts

The Container Store – The Teacher Organization Discount program offers special discounts (unknown percentage) throughout the year. You can apply on their website and then you must present your teacher Id in store to get the discount. A teacher certification is also accepted for verification.

Ways for Homeschoolers to Save Money

  • Purchase curriculum that can be reused with younger kids. Use workbooks (copy the pages before using them) or purchase PDF options. Also, you can use dry-erase sleeves.
  • Use free curriculum.
  • Use online curriculum. It usually has a per month (cheaper) or annual fee if you are looking for temporary cost savings. Over time this adds up and the material is never really yours to pass down to younger kids.
  • Social media is an awesome place to learn about Homeschool Days and free local course offerings. Join homeschool Facebook groups to stay in the know. I have even won a free sewing camp for my daughter and we’ve taken advantage of a lot of daytime activities due to Facebook groups.
  • Call or research online all your local museums and attractions (zoo, aquariums, etc) to find out if they have homeschool days, free days, or discounts for homeschool families.
  • When you want to go somewhere that doesn’t offer discounts, post it as a field trip and contact the business for a group discount.
  • Ask within the user groups (social media) when the company has a sale.
  • Read my other article: Is Homeschool Expensive? for other tips on saving money.

What do You Really Need to Homeschool

Not very much at all. You need to know:

  1. What you are going to teach. What you want your child to learn.
  2. How you are going to deliver that knowledge.
  3. How to organize it.

If you ask yourself, these questions you’ll find the answer to what you really need. I really caution new homeschoolers against making a lot or even large purchases from the start of homeschooling. Let’s explore each of these questions a little more. This will help you resist over purchasing. Yes, there are a lot of great items and services out there. They just aren’t all for your homeschool.

The first question is how I build a lot of my own curriculum. It is my first question. What do I want them to learn this year? Which breaks off from the larger question: What do I want them to know by the end of elementary in math… in science… in language arts and so on. So, let’s talk math for example if I want them to know all multiplication facts and answer four-digit addition and subtraction problems with a 90% accuracy I can move to question 2.

How will I deliver it? Maybe there is a math curriculum out there that speaks to my kid’s learning style and to my teaching style and also delivers knowledge based on our learning goals for the year. This is something I would purchase. Maybe I see little unit studies or learning kits that will deliver the knowledge to my kid. Or, maybe there is a collection of books, Youtube videos, and worksheets that will get the job done. Now I have a clue of what I need to purchase and I can limit my purchase to these items.

My last question is how to organize. When we talk about organization in homeschool we touch a few areas:

  1. Storage of student and teacher curriculum
  2. Supplies storage
  3. Finish work and reporting information
  4. Workspace

Some families find that they don’t want their home looking like a classroom, while others love the schoolroom feel. A big consideration is how you do school. How you deliver the information? Where will you need to be to deliver that information? Where are your computers setup?

Here’s my family’s example. We have a schoolroom but we don’t always use it. I do school with my son at his desk but with my daughter we do a lot of work at the kitchen table. It’s because I prefer to sit next to my son and close to his workstation (where we store his curriculum), but for my daughter I prefer to sit across from her so that she is within my view point. We have a lot of discussions and sometimes she does school work independently and I’m available for help.

We also do work on the couch when I’m not feeling well (those once a monthers can’t be a show stopper). Daily my daughter goes to the computer room to complete online work. I chose not to purchase another computer desk for the schoolroom. Using the desktop in another room helps the kids have separation during focus work time. It also gives me the space to work individually with the kids.

Lastly, where will you put the art projects, worksheet/books, planner, gradebook (if you have one), and other finished work? These are all things to consider before running out to the sales. It is very easy to overbuy and not have the items you really need. I suggest purchasing items out of need. Start your school and then purchase items as you need them.

Related Questions

What is a homeschool day? Businesses offer special days throughout the year. Some maybe once or twice a year that are discounted for homeschool families. The special pricing is generally good for that day only and held during school hours.

How to become a homeschool teacher? You can apply for job posts for homeschool teachers. These are parents who are looking for a private teacher. Homeschool groups are great places to display your services. If you are a parent you should read your state’s law about how to homeschool your child. They vary from state to state. They may also differ based on if you are removing a child from public school or homeschooling a child who has never been to school.

JaLes is a homeschool teacher. She has studied human behavior, child development, and psychology of learning. She is successful at planning, writing, and creating successful learning materials. She is a co-administrator of a Texas homeschool co-op where she teaches students ranging from Pre K- high school-aged. Learn More: